Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 On 10

Can you say "3 in a row!!"

I thought about the date this afternoon, after getting home from work.  Not sure why.  Glad I did.  Not only do I get to do the "10 On 10" post on the actual 10th of the month, I paid a couple of bills that I should have paid a couple of days ago.  GLAD I thought of it!! 

Anyways, here's my 10 on the 10th:

  1. LOVE that it is finally fall outside...for the most part!
  2. LOVE that I have been taking more pictures lately.  Want to get back in that habit!
  3. I am going to go visit Briar and Brianna tomorrow!  Trying to get myself psyched up for the drive.  Not really looking forward to that...but maybe I can take some pictures!!
  4. Have ALL my quarterly reports done!!
  5. Can't believe that it is World Series baseball time!  LOVE that it is!!  I've been watching the playoff games and they have been really good.
  6. Looking into getting a door to replace another door in the house.  Looking for an inexpensive one that will fit and look good.  All about the "re-use" kind!
  7. Put the lawn mower away for the year.
  8. Wore a dress to work called to go and break up a girl fight in the hall during 2nd hour!  It was intense.  Not really glad that I had a dress on!
  9. Got Nick's senior pictures taken.  Now get to let him pick one out for the annual.
  10. Breast Cancer awareness month....let's BEAT it!!!!

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